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Fan Fiction
on the classic game Gyruss "From
Neptune to Earth" by
David Cuciz, James Krych and
Michael Thomasson The
Story of the 357th JMFAS (Joint Military Forces Attack Squadron)
Most Highly Decorated Unit of the Ideoclan War
the battles we fought And the missions we flew. Fighting on, Until
the battle was won. The friends gained, And the friends we lost. Fallen,
but not forgotten, But remembered forever. One day we'll fly again
Together, among the stars, At peace, and not at war." 357th JMFAS
by Col. W.L. Barts, Commanding Officer 13th Fighter Group "History
is replete with the insanity of war, of groups going on unobserved, attacking
when least expected. And almost fatally, underestimating their abilities to fight,
and die, for their cause. The Ideoclan were just the latest in this long line
of groups thinking that only they should dominate, and their way of life, rule.
History is also full of the heroics of those who despite the odds stand up above
all the rest. It was my pleasure to be the C.O. to the 357th JMFAS Gyruss Squadron.
Above all else, they proved their abilities to adapt to changing enemy tactics,
destroying vast enemy resources, in particular their fighters and satellites,
and inflicting enormous damage to the Ideoclan. That their carrier, the Lexington,
was individually targeted by no less than a legion of Ideoclan fighters says something
of their fighting ability. There were other squadrons that may have destroyed
more, but the 357th proved to be the trump card in many a situation. Which is
why they were the highest decorated unit of the Ideoclan War. Many books have
been written of the Ideoclan War, "Stepping Stones to Victory" by Stephen
Ambrose V, "Victory Achieved, Freedom Won" by the Rev. L. McCreary II,
Chaplin of the 13th Fighter Group, "The Ideoclan" by P.F. Hunt III,
and "The War Was Won at Mars!" by Adm. Al "Fighting Al" Albergottie
are all highly recommended. The 357th was a remarkable group of people, this book
is their story." | A
brilliant multi-chaptered Serial
1: A Call To Arms (unedited)
Chapter 2:
Neptune: Blood, Sweat & Tears (unedited)
3: Uranus: Long Days in Hell (unedited)
4: Saturn: Enter, The Dogs of War (unedited)
5: Jupiter: Farewell, Old Friends (unedited)
6: Mars: The God of War - The Tide Turns (unedited)
Terms Outer Colonies
order of discovery/settlement) If
you want to read the second half of this popular series, be sure to pick up a
printed copy of this popular series. The paperback version is fully edited and
contains twice the content. The book has a low print run and will certainly become
a collectable. Order your copy and save Earth now! Autographed for free upon request. |

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