Classic Videogame Crossword Puzzles
Atari 5200 Solution

1: Programmer & Designer of Bounty Bob Strikes Back!
2: Programmed by the Solitaire Group
4: Designed by the Warlord
5: This peripheral came packaged with Robotron
6: Snap-on Joystick Adapter by Newport Controls
7: Planned but unreleased 5200 peripheral
8: Carol Shaw worked for this company
9: The 5200 is also known by this title
11: Keystone Kapers was often packaged w/ the manual for the identical game for this competing system
15: Position
16: This was not listed on the label of the original release of Space Invaders
19: Track-ball compatable
22: This game was listed in the 1983 Parker Bros. catalog
24: Examine memory locations
25: This game is a 5200 exclusive
28: Parker Brothers licensed this game from First Star Software
29: Creator of the Competition Pro Joystick
30: #FZ-008

32: The original Atari 5200 pack-in game
33: This game features a Galaxian character in rounds 16 & 17
35: Point of Purchase Demo Kiosk
37: This company licensed Vanguard to Atari
38: This company re-released Zone Ranger
39: Controller Button
48: Original name for BallBlazer
50: The 5200 adaption was done by Beck-Tech
51: Scratch-off game included
52: Earn this patch by scoring high in The Dreadnaught Factor
53: Type of 5200 joystick allowing 360 degrees of movement
56: Match Point
57: Mario & Luigi
60: 22732255
61: The Arcade Game
62: This game featured voice synthesis
63: Third-Party Company that made multi-system games
65: Includes Intermissions
68: Assembly Line Diagnostic Cartridge
71: This game is completely playable using only the keypad
72: The Zaxxon terrain consisted of these floating in space
74: The movie Cloak & Dagger featured the box for this game on store shelves
75: Obtain a bonus and clear the round by aligning 3 cubes together
76: Realsports


3: 35 page instruction manual
10: The box displays a game image which is not an actual screenshot
12: An Atari logo appears in explosions after wave 10
13: This game's box has the game designers name mispelled on the back cover of the box
14: Use any 2600 controller w/ the 5200 with this device
17: The Hotel Video System Console was designed by this company
18: Activision consulted this group for accuracy in one of their titles
20: Watch Out for the Sparks!
21: Originally to be named "Snots & Boogers"
23: 5200 Development Code-Name
26: This game has an overlay
27: Play these games on your 5200 w/ an adapter
31: 16K
34: The manual states that the game will inquire if you want to use a joystick to play the game
36: Death Star Battle was based on this movie
40: Replaced the Galaxian item w/ an Atari logo
41: James Bond 007 contained scenarios from this many of the Bond movies
42: This products TV advertisements featured cool kids in sunglasses

43: Gyruss' score
44: Frogger II
45: Space
46: Animation by Courtney Granner
47: You can make an actual phone call using this game and the 5200 keypad
49: Head-to-Head
52: Original name for Meteorites
54: Indestructable villian in Berzerk!
55: Defend these from Missile Attack!
58: This game features two adventures
59: Parker Brothers released Super Cobra licensed from this company
64: This game was also released on the Colecovision
66: Rescue on Fractalus was packaged in this color box
67: The Atari logo is hidden in this game's artwork (in a window)
69: Coin-op manufacturer of Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom
70: Programmed Wizard of Wor for CBS Games
73: This game was released twice in the arcade, the home version based on the second
75: Super Breakout will support four of these
77: The kangaroo dons these type of gloves
78: Activision did not offer a patch for this game
79: Not to be confused w/ the 'King'
80: AARGH!! Unicorns Are Storming the Castle!!
81: Collect these colored items to further your adventure in Montezuma's Revenge
82: The players mount in Joust
83: The 'R' in H.E.R.O.


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