when you had to blow on a cartridge for 10 minutes
just to play a game? Yep- those were the 80's. Take
a time warp with us, as we recollect memories of Super
Mario Brothers 1-3 for NES.

of us that were born in the early 80's have fond memories
of sitting in front of the television to play Super
Mario Brothers. The whole time we played, our moms
yelled at us to go outside and experience the "world".
Eventually we were forced outside. After a few hours
outside, we were brought back inside because it is
not nice to shave the neighbor's cat. After this,
we just sat back down and played Mario. Everyone loved
Super Mario Bros. because it was one of the first
games where the main character vaguely resembled a
person-shaped object.
you had an Atari 2600 before NES, you probably remember
the squares that were supposed to be Pacman and the
ghosts. Mario chged all this- the game had great graphics,
and it was actually fun. It truly felt like you were
in that small 8-bit world. You could jump and kill
turtles without fear of P.E.T.A. coming in the door
and throwing gallons of cow blood on you for abusing
a creature of mother earth.
player select screen
the memories of Mario
are all coming back now.
that we have established the proper vision of the
time, imagine yourself in the castle at the end of
world one. You fight lava pits and fire balls and
you get all the way to the end and face the infamous
King Koopa. You destroy his bridge and he plummets
to his death in the pit of lava. You run into the
next room and get the princess but some little toadstool
bastard tells you that she is in another castle- now
you realize you have to fight your way through seven
more levels! Thankfully you have the energy and determination
to make it all the way since Barney hadn't been invented
yet to destroy your fragile human mind.
1988- Super Mario Bros. 2
morning, your mom drives you to Wal-Mart. As you browse
through the video game collection, you see a shiny
blue box on the shelf. Since you love shiny objects,
you grab the box slowly bringing it into comfortable
reading distance. Damn- you suddenly remember that
you can't read because you haven't reached the first
grade yet. But you gaze at the pictures in wonder
and confusion. The graphics are astounding but they
look like they were from the album cover of Captain
Kangaroo sings the Beatles Greatest hits featuring
a duet with Mr. Rogers. You get the game home, blow
on it out of habit, and place it in your NES. The
reset light flashes, but you perservere until you
get an image. When it finally comes up, you are greeted
with a title screen and are able to choose your character.
Since none of the Thundercats are playable characters,
you pick Luigi, and when no one is around, you pick
Princess Toadstool.
you beat Super Mario, you have to wait three more
years until the sequel is released in America. The
period between 1985 and 1988 has shown to be the longest
three years in history equalled only by the wait between
Mario two and three. How did you kill the time? Personally,
I spent it watching Inspector Gadget and listening
to White Snake, which I outgrew when I turned five.
Compare the two pics...
Mario is shorter in SMB2!
After this game, Mario and Luigi are the same
height until Mario Kart for SNES
game begins, and you see your character falling out
of a red door in the middle of the sky. You watch
in confusion because your character is lunging to
their death in the first few seconds of the game.
Then you see land and your character touches down
unharmed... YAY!!!! The next strange thing you notice
are the enemies. Where the hell did that mask wearing
guy with a gun for a nose come from? That one looks
like a retarded midget stepchild of Jason Vorhees.
Once you meet your new foe, your first instinct is
to jump on his head and crush his fragile nervous
system. Wait!!! He isn't dying- how must I destroy
this strange new creature? While you are pondering,
you accidently bump the B button and Luigi picks up
the retarded assailant. Haha- the tables have turned!
You press B again and your enemy is hurled off the
cliff and dies a painful and pixelated 8-bit death.
As you venture further down this rabbit hole, you
begin to ask yourself a few questions. Were the progammers
on crack (crack had been invented the previous summer)??
Why is this so much fun?? Is this even a Mario game??
Well the short answer is no.
game's real name is Doki Doki Panic. Nintendo
felt that the Japanese Mario 2 was far too hard for
us Americans, so they took a rather obscure game and
pasted some Mario sprites into it. You might be wondering
how they got away with it. Nintendo did more than
just add sprites. They completely revamped the animations
of the enemies and added animation to the onions that
you pull out of the ground. Some boss battles were
changed as well. The boss named Clawgrip was also
added. Originally, there were three battles with the
rat. Now, Clawgrip appears instead of the rat. Another
feature that was added was the ability to hold down
the B button to run. Doki Doki Panic felt painfully
slow due to the lack of this feature.
Super Mario Bros. 3
would have to wait another three years before playing
Super Mario Bros. 3. I remember kids going to the
movie theatre to see that crappy Fred Savage movie
just to see the 30 second glimpse of Mario 3. That
movie was horrible- the only reason anyone went was
because they heavily advertised the fact that the
movie was just a 2 hour long commercial for Nintendo
products. The movie sucked but the footage of Mario
3 was incredible. Many were shocked to find that Luigi
and Mario once again looked the same. In the previous
game, we were led to believe that Mario was shorter
that Luigi. Mario and Luigi would once again look
the same until Mario and Luigi appeared in Nintendo's
Mario Kart for the SNES.
the background music that plays during this
map screen? Yes, it's great (=
3's graphics were a huge
step above its predecessors
most impressive thing about Mario 3 was the graphics-
they were much more beautiful and colorful than previous
Mario games. We were also introduced to the map screen.
This allowed you to actually choose the level you
played next or even challenge your little brother
to a battle for his items that were won at the end
of the stages. Mario 3 featured such great gameplay
that you really felt you were apart of the Mushroom
Kingdom. The levels all had detailed backgrounds,
and the variety of level types was very refreshing.
thing that really made me enjoy this game was the
addition of new powers that could be collected and
lost just like Milli-Vanilli's grammy. You could find
a leaf and turn into a raccoon and fly. You could
find a frog suit that was very helpful in the totally
fun underwater castle in world three. This game has
given the world so many fond memories that it is really
a shame at how much the new Nintendo system sucks.
We want 2D side scrollers with awesome graphics Nintendo!
Nintendo is dying because they are telling gamers
what they want instead of having the gamers tell Nintendo
what they want. Thankfully, Sony has the right idea
in listening to gamers. So fire up the NES, blow on
your game a few times, and travel back to a time when
Nintendo was king, Sega was queen and NEC was their
retarded step-brother chained up in the basement.
A BIG thanks to Digital
Fan for donating this article!