Down From the top of it's Game
The Story of Infocom
The success and failure of Infocom, a company founded by members of MIT's Laboratory for Computer Science, resulted from a combination of factors. Infocom succeeded not only because it made Zork , a text-adventure game, available on personal computers, but also because it developed an effective system for supporting new platforms, maintained an engineering culture that excelled at writing computer games, and marketed its products to the right audience.
Similarly, Infocom did not fail simply because it decided to shift its focus to business software by making Cornerstone , a relational database. Infocom failed for many reasons that were closely tied to how the company managed the transition to business products. Behind the scenes, the transition created a litany of problems that hurt both the games and the business divisions of the company. Combined with some bad luck, these problems—not simply the development of Cornerstone —ultimately led to Infocom's downfall. |

Premiering for Only $9.99
Published in Association with Rolenta Press
Neptune to Earth
The GYRUSS Story
is replete with the insanity of war, of groups going on unobserved, attacking
when least expected. And almost fatally, underestimating their abilities to fight,
and die, for their cause. The Ideoclan were just the latest in this long line
of groups thinking that only they should dominate, and their way of life, rule.
History is also full of the heroics of those who despite the odds stand
up above all the rest. It was my pleasure to be the C.O. to the 357th JMFAS Gyruss
Squadron. Above all else, they proved their abilities to adapt to changing enemy
tactics, destroying vast enemy resources, in particular their fighters and satellites,
and inflicting enormous damage to the Ideoclan. That their carrier, the Lexington,
was individually targeted by no less than a legion of Ideoclan fighters says
something of their fighting ability. There were other squadrons that may have
destroyed more, but the 357th proved to be the trump card in many a situation.
Which is why they were the highest decorated unit of the Ideoclan War. Many
books have been written of the Ideoclan War, "Stepping Stones to Victory"
by Stephen Ambrose V, "Victory Achieved, Freedom Won" by the Rev. L.
McCreary II, Chaplain of the 13th Fighter Group, "The Ideoclan" by P.F.
Hunt III, and "The War Was Won at Mars!" by Adm. Al "Fighting Al"
Albergottie are all highly recommended. The 357th was a remarkable group of people,
this book is their story."
W.L. Barts, Commanding Officer 13th Fighter Group | |

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to the VCS
2nd Edition
Written by Leonard Herman
famed author of Phoenix: The Fall
and Rise of Videogames
book that would not die! ABC To The VCS is the ultimate summary guide to
the Atari 2600. Originally written in 1983 during the height of the 2600's popularity,
the first edition of this book was finally released in 1996 thanks to an overwhelming
demand from collectors. Now, nearly a decade later, the 2600 is still popular
among collectors and programmers alike. Unreleased games from the eighties are
constantly being discovered and released and new 'homebrew' games are still being
written for this system that ceased production in 1991. In all there are 163 more
titles in the 2nd edition than were in the 1st edition.
FOR THE 2nd EDITION: · Summaries of over 700 games · Inclusion
of Sears titles · Atari 2600 Today List · Screen shots of
nearly everygame
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Only $19.99 Published
in Association with Rolenta Press
ReVival Magazine
ReVival is a quarterly European fanzine that made its debut in 1997. Previously only available overseas
and in the French language, Good Deal Games is proud to announce that we are now making this great periodical available in English stateside and throughout the world.
ReVival is the voice of the hidden side of videogames. ReVival gives you news on all alternative consoles, retrogaming, games and/or hardware tests without concession. ReVival features interviews of individuals active with alternative video games, historical articles, and more specific reports and columns.

ReVival Issue # 44
In Short
Home Console Tests:
Bitchy (Lynx)
Thruster (Zodiac)
Irides (Dreamcast)
Kitty's Catch (NES)
Puzzli (Colecovision)
Relief Pitcher (Lynx)
Sundance (Vectrex)
V-Hockey (Vectrex)
Vector Pilot (Vectrex)
Ozma Wars (Colecovision)
Crazy Climber (Astrocade)
Debris Revisited (Vectrex)
Penguin Land (Colecovision)
War of the Worlds (Vectrex)
Alien Greed Saga (Atari 2600)
Superfly DX (Atari Jaguar-CD)
Motocross Challenge (GameBoy Advance)
And more! |

ReVival Issue # 43
In Short
Home Console Tests:
Poker (Lynx)
Battle Kid (NES)
Zantis (Vectrex)
Halo (Atari 2600)
Blade Buster (NES)
Kobashi (Colecovision)
Bound High (Virtual Boy)
Gorf (GameBoy Advance)
Colorclash Slim (Vectrex)
Smurf Challenge (Colecovision)
And more! |

ReVival Issue # 42
In Short
Home Console Tests:
Sectis (Vectrex)
Dux (Dreamcast)
Hoppin' Mad (NES)
Fast Striker (MVS)
Lead (Atari VCS 2600)
The Void (Colecovision)
Neo Pang (Neo-Geo CD)
Do the Same (Jaguar-CD)
Pac-Man (Fairchild Channel-F)
Shield Shifter (Atari VCS 2600)
Orion_'s Compilation (Jaguar-CD)
Jr Pac-Man (Atari 7800 ProSystem)
Test Bench: Harmony Cart (Atari VCS 2600)
Interview: NGDev.Team (Dux on Dreamcast)
Interview: Brandon Cobb, Osman Celimli (Zaku on Lynx)

| |
ReVival Issue # 41
In Short
Home Console Tests:
3D Sector X (Vectrex)
Mean Santa (Atari 2600)
X-Mas Demo 2009 (NES)
Zaku (Atari Lynx)
Ghostblaster (Colecovision)
Insanity (NEC PC-Engine)
Pac-Man Collection (Colecovision)
Worm (Atari 7800)
3D Sector-X Strategy Guide
Interview: Jean-Philippe Meola (Colecovision Ghost'n Zombies)
test Bench: Mario Bros. Colecovision Controllers |

$6.49 |
ReVival Issue # 40
In Short
Home Console Tests:
Wolfenstein (Atari 2600)
Mystic Pillars (NES)
Royal 21 (Vectrex)
Ghost'n Zombies (Colecovision)
Lynxopoly (Atari Lynx)
Mad Bodies (Atari Jaguar)
Juno First (Atari 2600)
Road Fighter (Colecovision)
Ultimate Frogger Championship (NES)
Do the Same (Jaguar): Genesis
Interview: Chaos Reins
Exerion / Exerizer |
$6.99 |
ReVival Issue # 39
Home Console Tests:
Mr. Chin (Colecovision)
SuperNESnake 2 (NES)
MegaPak Vol. 1 (Atari Lynx)
I, Project (Atari 2600)
Mr. Chin (Colecovision)
Yastuna Vol. 1 (Atari Lynx)
4K4U (Atari 2600)
Championship Tennis (Intellivision)
Lady Bug (Atari 2600)
Ghost House (Sega Master System)
Martian Threat (Odyssey)
Canadian Mini-Game Vol. 1 (Colecovision)
Isaiah's Wii Chase (Atari 2600)
Dark Tower (Vectrex)
Montana Jones (3DO)
Wind & Waters: Puzzle Battles (Dreamcast)
RGC 2008 Coverage
Interview: Retrozone
Sega Master System Homebrews |
$5.99 |
ReVival Issue # 38
Home Console Tests:
Alex Kidd BMX Trial (Sega Mark-III)
Vectrexians (Vectrex)
Double Header (3DO)
Actionauts (Atari 2600)
Cye (Colecovision)
Jeepeers Creepers (Colecovision)
Glider (Nintendo NES)
Lasercade (Atari 2600)
Baku Baku Animals (SegaSaturn)
Asteroids Deluxe (Atari 7800)
Monster Masher (Colecovision)
Swoops! (Atari 2600)
Addams Family (TurbografX-16)
Vectrex Repro Stand
Lynx Support
Interview: CollectorVision |
$5.99 |
ReVival Issue # 37
Home Console Tests:
Space Duel (Atari 2600)
Jet Block - preview (Colecovision)
Encaved (Atari 2600)
Retrogames (Atari 2600)
Pac-Man Collection (Atari 7800)
POD (Gizmondo)
Squares! (Colecovision)
Terra Attack (Colecovision)
Jim Power (Nec CDRom)
Beef Drop VE (Atari 7800)
Space Patrol (Intellivision)
Vectoblox (Vectrex)
Gingerbread Man (Atari 2600)
Mr Roboto (Videopac)
Test Bench:Nes Powerpak
Interview: Packrat Video Games
Interview Martijn Wenting (ReVival Studios)
History: Colorvision (Bazin/Romtec) |
$5.99 |
ReVival Issue # 36
Home consoles tests
Icebreaker 2 (3DO)
Yastuna vol.2 (Lynx)
Sudoku 2007 (Nintendo Nes)
Search for the stolen crown jewels 2 (Colecovision)
Last Hope (NeoGeo CD)
City Bomber (Vectrex)
and more ...
Test Bench: Cuttle Cart 3 (Intellivision)
Odyssey2 feature: The Hidden Face of the Odyssey2
Shark Hunter
Report: Retro Gaming Connexion 2007
CGE Report: Museum |
$5.99 |
ReVival Issue # 35
Home console tests
Puzzle Piece Panic
Phantom II / Pirates
Blast Arena Advance
Trigger Exelica
Woody Pop
and more
Vectrex Wraps
Master System/Mark III: Specific paddle controller games
Interview: Super Fighter Team
AtariVox ... Populi + tests:
Strat O Gems deluxe
Fall Down
$5.99 |
ReVival Issue # 34
Home console tests
Beggar Prince (Megadrive/Genesis)
Atomic (Jaguar-CD)
Last Hope (Dreamcast)
Double Feature #1 (Jaguar-CD)
Same Game and Robots (Intellivision)
Flash Koibito Kun (WonderSwan)
Police Bust (Supervision)
3D Lord of the Robots (Vectrex 3D Imager)
VecFlash USB
Features: Commodore C64TV
Atari VCS 2600 features:
Blip Footbll
Santa Simon (7800)
Medieval Mayhem
Haunted Adventure Trilogy
Phantom II / Pirates
ToyShop Trouble |
$5.99 |
ReVival Issue # 33
Home consoles tests:
Flash Koibito Kun (WonderSwan)
A VCS Tec Challenge(Atari VCS 2600)
Under Defeat (Dreamcast)
Soulstar (Sega CD)
Last Hope (Neo Geo AES)
Colorclash (Vectrex)
Vector 21 a fistful of wildcards (Vectrex)
Colecovision features: Homebrew on Colecovision
Astro Invader
Cosmo Fighter 2
Magical Tree
Atarimax 128 in 1
Jaguar features:
Seaplane preview
Attack of Mutant Penguins
All about MB Microvision! |
$5.99 |
ReVival Issue # 32
Interview: NG.DEV.TEAM Last Hope (Neo-Geo & Dreamcast)
Home consoles tests:
Dr Hauzer (3D0)
Mental Kombat (Atari VCS 2600)
Under Defeat (Dreamcast)
Chip Chan Kick (NEC Pc-FX)
Force Striker: Burning Fists (Sega CD)
Power Strike 2 (Sega Master System)
Vectrex features:
Spikes Circus
Space Frenzy
Vector 2
Debris EE (review)
Jaguar features:
Project Apocalypse
Gorf Classic
Fight for Life: beta
Arcades at Home
"Nomad" feature
Rally Pop (GP32)
Virtual Bowling (Virtual Boy)
$5.99 |
ReVival Issue # 31
Jaguar Total Carnage
Intellivision Defender of the Crown Development
Dreamcast Cool Herders
Vectrex Debris
and MUCH more! |
$5.99 |
ReVival Issue # 30
Atari 7800 Cuttle Cart
Duranik's Bonus Cartridge
Several New Vectrex Titles
and MUCH more! |
$5.99 |
ReVival Issue # 29
(Premiere English Issue!)
ReVival is a quarterly European fanzine that made its debut in 1997. Previously only available overseas and in the French language. In 2004, Good Deal Games made a distribution agreement and now publishes this great periodical available in English stateside and throughout the world.
ReVival is the voice of the hidden side of videogames. ReVival gives you news on all alternative consoles, retrogaming, games and/or hardware tests without concession. ReVival features interviews of individuals active with alternative video games, historical articles, and more specific reports and columns.
Programming your Atari Jaguar
Interview with Johaness Graf of Duranik
Extensive coverage for Intellivision, Jaguar, Nuon, Super CD-Rom 2, GP32, Vectrex, Wonderswan, Lynx, NeoGeo Pocket Color, Dreamcast, and more! |
Still not sure (really???)
Download a FREE digital issue!